Skinny Kari's Blog – Adventures in Fat Loss and Beyond

{January 21, 2010}   Week 1 – Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

So Week one was December 21, 2009 – December 27, 2009



BUST – 39  / CHEST – 34  / WAIST – 34.5  / THIGHS – 23.5

CALF – 15.5  / BICEPT – 12  / NECK – 12.75  / WEIGHT – 143.5 (keep in mind that I’m 5 foot 2)

Right, so there you have it.  I was pretty hesitant about posting all my stats.  Not really something I want to share.  I remember taking these measurements 10 years ago and the difference is pretty significant.  Do you remember the song “Baby’s got back” by Sir Mix A Lot ?  From the 90’s?  Here’s a little quote from it.

Baby got back!
Yeah, baby … when it comes to females, Cosmo ain’t got nothin’
to do with my selection. 36-24-36? Ha ha, only if she’s 5’3″.

The reason I quote this song now is because that’s what I was then.  I remember thinking..HA!  Thats me! and not being super thrilled about it even then.   So here it is ten years later and my waist is up 10.5 inches!!! Are you kidding me?  So not diggin it.  Bust and Hips are up only 4 so not as bad there.   I’m really looking forward to losing those extra accumulated inches.

Now back to the task at hand.  I started taking the slim the week of Christmas.  This was not so much a good plan for me.  My Dad had started taking his the week of Thanksgiving and not only didn’t gain any weight but actually LOST some, so I was feeling a little confident, – Cocky even.  WRONG!! Bad Idea.  What a waste of perfectly good product.

Here’s where I went wrong.

1. I gorged myself.  We probably ate 5 lbs of cookies at least.  Norman’s sister gave us all a box of homemade cookies for our gifts.  Norman’s other sister made an uber delicious doughy cake filled with pastry creme. The neighbors brought over a huge tin of cookies.  Norman’s dad made dark chocolate stuffed with nuts.  We picked up Tamales at the Dallas Tortilla Factory on the way and ate them for breakfast EVERY morning with EGGS. Ugh…the list goes on.

2. I drank too much.  We drank spiked egg nog at breakfast, beer at lunch and wine at dinner.  Not to mention the occasional whiskey and coke for a special treat.  NOT A GOOD PLAN.

3.  It was cold – I sat on the couch.  Once I walked 3 houses down to visit Tina and Gabby…when I got there, I ate a cheeseburger even though I wasn’t hungry.  Later I walkeed back. So worn out from the long journey I had a cookie and a beer.

4. I took the slim wrong.  Once a day, at different times.  Sometimes not at all, then twice one day.

When I got home I weighed and measured.

I gained 3 pounds!  Checked again the next day…yep…Up three pounds.  Shit!

Measurements pretty much remained the same.  Sucks.

So ok, this slim is pretty awesome I must say but it doesn’t work if you don’t take it.   This is not a miracle from God folks, just good sound science.  The next update will show you more.  Scroll down for pics of my original measurements and size.

So to sum it up for ya, If you think you’re gonna lose weight gorging on tamales and booze while taking your slim incorrectly you’ll be

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

Love Ya,

Skinny Kari

In retrospect I would not have worn black in those photos, its harder to see the jelly roll I’ve got going on my gut ha! I’ll try bikini shots in the next round.

Neil says:

I got so tired reading that, I had to go have a cookie and a beer!

Lisa says:

Love it! Awesome progress!!!

Skinny on the Way Aunt Jules says:

Totally Awesome Kari! You are on your way. Love, Skinny on the way Jules!

Sean Skeeze says:

I’d hit that

Steve S. says:

Great blog! I’m impressed by your bravery. I posted one “fat pic” on facebook a long time ago to keep me motivated and I was a wreck about it. But it actually helped keep me on track. This is a good tactic. I’ll keep following.

Jason M. Bernardo says:

First of all, allow me to applaud your bravery. Committing yourself to weight loss and telling others about it is difficult in itself! However, it is far more difficult to tell others about your plans while also documenting everything. This process involves a great deal of discipline, honesty and humility. So again, allow me to applaud you.

I personally LOVE to workout and have experimented with various food plans (diets) and exercise programs. In simplified terms, as far as food consumptions goes, there are really only three types of weight programs: Weight loss, Performance Training and Muscle Building.

Performance training is what Cyclists, Swimmers, Mixed Martial Artists, etc., do. Basically, you find out which foods give you the most energy, repair your body the fastest and you eat them. Calorie intake is monitored but not necessarily strict because you burn off just about everything you eat but the exercise programs are EXHAUSTING!!!!!

Muscle Building is the somewhat simple. Fatigue the muscle. Consume 2.0 grams of protein per body weight per day, as needed, low carb intake and drink tons of water.

Weight Loss is the easiest to understand but the hardest to actually do. It involves simple math but the most discipline: Burn more calories than you consume and drink plenty of water. Eat every two hours to keep the metabolism going. It is the hardest because you shouldn’t eat any sweets or drink any alcohol. -Obviously because there are way too many calories in that stuff- But mostly because those foods cause you body to HOLD onto fat and store it.

So, if I am to offer any advice….If I were you I would just count calories: Keep your daily caloric intake around 1300, eat every 2-3 hours and see how your body responds to it.

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